Doctor in Electrical Engineering and Electrical Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering of UdelaR. He holds an assistant professor permanent position at the Institute of Physics of the Fac. of Engineering, UdelaR. He specializes in satellite solar irradiation modeling, solar irradiation and PV generation forecasting, being responsible for these areas at LES. He collaborates with the solar thermal energy areas of LES and was responsible for the Solar Heaters Test Facility project.

Doctor in Physics, UdelaR-PEDECIBA, 2001 Masters in Physics (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janerio), B.A. Physics (Univ. California, Berkeley). Active Researcher Level 5 of PEDECIBA (Physics). Researcher (Level II) of the National System of Researchers (Engineering and Technology Area). He specializes in measurements and modeling of solar radiation. He was a professor at Udelar until 2020, currently in partial retirement. Previous director of the LES (2015-2020) and head researcher of the group (2010-2015).

Doctor in Physics from the University of Barcelona, 2002. He is a full time assistant professor at the Physics Institute of the Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de la República. He has two post-doctorates in numerical calculus, one with specialization in chaos and the other in econophysics. He specializes in solar thermal energy and energy efficiency, being responsible for these areas at LES.

Doctor in Thermal Engineering and Master in Energy Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and Mechanical Industrial Engineer from Udelar. He is a full- time assistant professor at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Production (IIMPI) of the Faculty of Engineering, Udelar. He specializes in the modeling of thermal systems, heat transfer and energy storage, with applications in solar thermal energy.

Bachelor of Physics (Faculty of Sciences, Udelar, 2013) and Doctor in Energy Engineering (Faculty of Engineering, Udelar, 2021) He is an assistant at the Institute of Physics of the Faculty of Engineering. He specializes in solar radiation modeling from satellite images, through physical and hybrid models (either broadband or spectral). He also specializes in UV radiation.

Mechanical Industrial Engineer graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR, 2016. He is an assistant at the Physics Department of CENUR Northern Coast, UdelaR. He works on solar thermal energy applications and the energy efficiency of buildings. He is the technical manager of the Solar Heaters Test Facility (BECS).

Energy Engineering from the Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil, and student of the Master in Energy Engineering at UdelaR. She is a Teaching and Research Associate at the Solar Laboratory of the Technological University of Uruguay (LSU, UTEC). She works on solar energy forecasting through numerical models of the atmosphere.

Student of the Master’s Degree in Renewable Energy at the National Institute of Unconventional Energies (INENCO) of the Universidad Nacional de Salta, Argentina He is an assistant at the Physics Department of CENUR Northern Coast, UdelaR. He works in the study of thermal efficiency of buildings and other construction works, specifically in the characterization of heat storage walls.

Bachelor Degree in Hydrical Resources (UdelaR, 2019). Student of MSc. in Energy Engineering (UdelaR, 2020), her Thesis is focoused on spectral solar irradiance modeling, using physical models. She starts working in LES in February, 2020. She is a teacher at the Departamento de Física del Litoral. She works in the radiometer calibration team, is responsible for the quality and tazability management, and collaborates in the maintenance of the Solar Irradiance Continuous Measurement Network.

Student of the Master’s Degree in Engineering Physics at the Faculty of Engineering, with a thesis project on simulation of environmental variables in greenhouses. He is an architect (Udelar 2019), Mathematics assistant at the Institute of Technologies and Assistant at the Apolo Workshop of the Institute Project of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism.

He is a PhD student in Engineering Physics at UdelaR. His thesis is on «Estimation of Photosynthetically Active Radiation for the Pampa Húmeda». He has a Master’s degree in Chemistry (Education specialization), a Specialization Diploma in Physics (ANEP-UdelaR) and his undergraduate degrees are as Prof. of Physics and Prof. of Laboratory of Physics for Secondary Education (ANEP).

Computer Engineering Student, Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR He works in the maintenance of the Solar Irradiance Continuous Measurement Network (RMCIS), and the automatic reception of the measurements and their processing, including quality controls. He is a member of the LES broadband radiometer calibration team and the LES IT infrastructure maintenance team, including the satellite section.

Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR. He is responsible for the computer systems at LES and the Institute of Physics, Faculty of Engineering. He works on the development of web systems for data management (SGD), access to LES products (MSUv2) and the operational visualization of satellite imagery, forecasting and estimation of solar irradiation services.

Industrial Mechanical Engineer (2022) from the School of Engineering, UdelaR and Bachelor’s Degree in Physics (2022) from the School of Sciences, UdelaR. He is a teaching and research assistant at the Physics Institute of the School of Engineering and a student of the Master’s degree in Engineering Physics. He studies transient processes and stagnation in low and medium temperature solar collectors.

Bachelor’s Degree student in Atmospheric Sciences at FING/FCIEN, Udelar, with special degree work on the characterization of cloudiness by satellite and its application to the evaluation of the performance of numerical predictions of solar irradiation. He is also an official of INUMET.

Electrical Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR, and student of the Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering. He works as an assistant in the Department of Signal Processing of the Institute of Electrical Engineering of the FING, UdelaR. He is in charge of the automated quality control and data processing. Within the framework of his master’s degree, he develops tools for short-term solar resource forecasting through satellite data.

Master in Energy Engineering and Mechanical Industrial Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering of Udelar. He is an assistant at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Production (IIMPI), Fac. of Engineering, UdelaR. He specializes in renewable energy, mainly solar thermal and low power wind, and in energy efficiency.

Architect (Udelar, 2019) and student of the Master in Construction of Architectural Works at FADU, UdelaR. Her thesis investigates the thermal and energetic performance of sheep wool, used as a low-cost natural insulation material in construction works.

Doctor of Science with specialization in Mathematics from the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France), 2004. He is Professor of the Department of Signal Processing of the Institute of Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the UdelaR. He is a Level II researcher at the SNI and a Grade 4 researcher at PEDECIBA Mathematics. He works on very short-term forecasting of solar irradiation through satellite.

Electrical Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR. He works on the development of short-term irradiation forecasting techniques based on ground measurements and satellite images, with the use of automatic learning tools. He is currently developing the LES operational forecasting system.
Past members and collaborators

Bachelor in Physics from the Faculty of Sciences, UdelaR, and student of the Master’s Degree in Energy Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering (FING), UdelaR. He works as an assistant at the Physics Institute of the Faculty, of Engineering, UdelaR. He works on models for global irradiance transport from a horizontal plane to global irradiance on an tilted plane.

Bachelor in Atmospheric Sciences and Master of Energy Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR. She works on short-term solar energy forecasting from satellite images and on the characterization of the short-term variability of the solar resource in Uruguay.

Student of the Master’s of Energy Engineering and Mechanical Industrial Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering of the Udelar. He is a Teaching and Research Assistant at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Production (IIMPI) of the Fac. of Engineering, UdelaR. He works in the modeling of CSP plants for the production of electrical energy and process heat.

Electronics Technician from the Universidad del Trabajo (UTU), Uruguay. He works in the project for the construction of a Solar Heaters Test Facility (BECS) and in LES research projects on thermal applications of solar energy.

He is a Mechanical Industrial Engineer from the Faculty of Engineering, UdelaR, 2011. He did a master’s degree in Turbomachinery Engineering at KTH University Sweden and Duke University USA (2018). He specializes in concentrated and non-concentrated solar thermal energy applications. He was in charge of the design and construction of the Solar Heaters Test Facility (BECS). He works full-time as an engineer at the Salto Grande Dam. He has collaborated with LES since its establishment.